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Moving History Forward: A Dream Up Case Study

Joey Baron

Action for Post-Soviet Jewry

Chişinău Jewish Cemetery, Moldova

THE CHALLENGE: After 40 years, a small humanitarian aid organization hired a new Executive Director to help them find a balance between maintaining their traditional services and creating new services. The new Executive Director asked Dream Up for training in marketing, creative strategies, and leadership coaching.

THE SOLUTION: Dream Up provided weekly training and executive coaching sessions focused on the basics of brand positioning and creative strategies. We explored the challenges of expanding awareness of and enthusiasm for the organization from different, broader perspectives. Dream Up's extensive first-hand non-profit management experience ensured the client received both practical insights and sympathetic professional support.


  • Ongoing Training in Branding

  • Executive Coaching

  • Creative Sounding Board

  • Presentation Strategies and Design

  • Editing and Copywriting

  • Production Supervision

THE RESULT: Throughout this short-term engagement, Dream Up has helped the Executive Director understand different perspectives on the marketing challenges the organization is facing. Already, this has led to improved public communications, including a recent direct mail prpgram. The client is currently applying for funding to continue working with Dream Up.

Every time I met with Joey Baron, I would say, ‘Gee, I never thought of that possibility.” He is an amazing resource for creative thinking and practical suggestions that can help an organization fulfill its mission. He is also unpretentious and fun to work with.”

- Debbie Kardon, Executive Director, Action for Post-Soviet Jewry


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